Early Development of the Zygote to a Blastocyst (1st Week)
- Ovulation releases ovum/secondary oocyte
- Fertilization in the oviduct → produces zygote
- Zygote undergoes cleavage as it moves along oviduct → produces morula
- As zygote divides, cells become smaller \ Morula stays same size
- Movement by cilia and peristalsis present in oviduct walls
- Morula develops into a blastocyst
- Trophoblast (outer layer of blastocyst) → nourishes future embryo
- Inner cell mass → will become fetus
- Fluid filled cavity → for protection (absorbs shocks, resists compression, ...)
- Blastocyst (≈100cells) implants itself in uterus lining
- Nourished by secretion from uterus
- Microvilli provide large surface area (→gas + nutrients exchange)
Implantation Of The Blastocyst Into The Uterine Lining (2nd Week)
- Trophoblast secretes enzymes → digest tissues and blood vessel of endometrium
- Embryo uses released nutrients/products from digestion
- Blastocyst becomes buried within endometrium
- Microvilli are replaced by placenta
- Trophoblast secretes human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) hormone
The Developing Fetus
- During gestation (→length of pregnancy) growth rate is in excess
- Placenta is the first organ to develop when blastocyst embeds itself in uterine lining
- Growth faster than embryo in early pregnancy
- Development increases in complexity
- Differentiating of inner cell mass of blastocyst
- First month → beginning of a gut, developed kidney, brain, beating heart
- Second month → all main organ systems present; embryo is called a fetus
- At the end of gestation placenta is discarded, but essential for the 1st 9 month of life
Features of the Circulatory System of the Developing Fetus:
Placenta is the Fetal Gas Exchange Organ → Fetal Lungs are Non-Functional
- Umbilical vein carries oxygenated blood from placenta to vena cava
- Blood in the heart bypasses through foramen ovale
- Oxygenated blood flows from right into left atria / flap valve prevents back flow of blood
- Some blood in right atria passes to right ventricle into pulmonary artery (to lungs)
- Blood bypasses lungs through ductus arteriosus
- Oxygenated blood flows from pulmonary artery into aorta
- Umbilical arteries carry deoxygenated blood from aorta to placenta
Importance of Pulmonary Circulation
- Carry oxygenated blood to lungs
- To allow respiration in lungs / be ventilated before birth
At Birth the Placenta is Replaced by Lungs as the Organ of Gas Exchange
- Umbilical vein constricts → prevents blood loss
- Ductus arteriosus constricts → blood leaving right ventricle is sent to lungs
- Blood pressure in left atrium exceeds that in right atrium
- Valve closes foramen ovale which fuses within atrial wall
- Prevents mixing of de- and oxygenated blood
- Deoxygenated blood in right ventricle is oxygenated in lungs
- [EXAM] Replacement of fetal to adult Hb takes ≈3months
- Each polypeptide/globin chain is coded by a separate gene
- Gene for fetal (gamma) globin is suppressed
- Gene for adult (beta) globin becomes active
Structure of the Placenta
- Originates from fetal tissues and endometrium
- Fully developed ≈20cm across and ≈3cm thick
- Umbilical cord connects placenta with fetus
- 1 umbilical vein → oxygenated blood from placenta to fetal vena cava
- 2 umbilical arteries → deoxygenated blood from fetal aorta to placenta
- FICK'S LAW: (surface area x difference in conc)/thickness of surface µ rate of diffusion
- Microvilli grow into endometrium
- Each villi contains a network of fetal capillaries
- Surrounded by thin pool of maternal blood
- Supplied by uterine arteries and drained by uterine vein
- Max difference in concentration
- Fetal Hb has a greater affinity for O2 than adult Hb
- Flow of maternal and fetal blood in opposite direction
- Uterine artery to umbilical vein
- Maintains gradient/prevents concs reaching eqm
- Short diffusion path (≈3.5μm)
- Fetal and maternal blood supply is separated by 3 layers
- Capillary endothelium
- Thin layer of connective tissue
- Epithelium covering villi
- Exchange surface only one cell thick
- Maternal and fetal blood come close together but never mix
- Maternal blood may be genetically different from fetal blood
- Fetal and maternal blood supply is separated by 3 layers
- Microvilli grow into endometrium
Function of the Placenta
- Exchange of substances between maternal and fetal blood
- O2 and waste products (urea, CO2) cross placenta by diffusion
- Glucose enters fetal blood by facilitated diffusion
- Amino acids enter fetal blood by active transport
- Placenta contains many mitochondria
- Maternal antibodies are taken into villi by pinocytosis
- Infant has immunity to same diseases as its mother after birth
- Secretes hCG (oestrogen, progesterone) → maintains pregnancy
Maternal Physiology
Effect of Pregnancy on Aspects of Maternal Physiology
- GROWTH OF: uterus from ≈50g to 1kg / secreting tissue in breasts by progesterone
- ENLARGEMENT OF: smooth muscle fibres of uterus wall / ducts of breast tissue by oestrogen
- Body mass/thirst/metabolic rate/ventilation rate/cardiac output/blood volume/red blood cell number
- Ca2+ and glucose levels in bloodstream
- Dietary requirements of Carbohydrates(energy), Protein(growth), Fe(Hb), Ca(bones), Vitamins
- Minimises stresses imposed on female body → optimum environment for growing fetus
(1) Changes in Thermal Balance
- Respiration + high growth rate increase heat
- Heat excess transferred to cooler maternal blood by heat gradient
- Mother loses this excess heat from her body
(2) Changes in Cardiac Output and Blood Volume and their Significance
- High growth rate of fetus, placenta, maternal tissues (not just breast and uterus)
- This increases O2 consumption/respiration
- As maternal muscles have to work harder to move her increased size
- Heart beats faster
- Increase in stroke volume
- Increase in cardiac muscle / heart chambers enlarge / output increases by 40%
- Increase in maternal blood volume
- Changes in volume of plasma > increase in number of red blood cells
- Fetus lies with its head down against stretched cervix
- Weak contraction of uterus every ≈30min / increase in strength and frequency
- Caused by hormone oxytoccin secreted by posterior pituitary gland
- When cervix is fully dilated
- Expulsion of baby by contractions of mother's abdominal muscles
- Umbilical cord shuts down, isolating baby from mother
- Rises CO2 content of the blood / stimulates baby's first breath
- Expulsion of placenta → ≈30min after birth
- Pregnancy lasts ≈38 weeks from implantation, 40 weeks from last period
Hormonal Changes During And After Pregnancy
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin hCG Hormone
- Secreted by trophoblast and developing placenta
- Maintains corpus luteum past the time it normally disintegrates
- Endometrium is maintained and menstruation does not occur
- Female sex hormones still at high level
- Basis for pregnancy test → hCG can be detected in urine
- Peak in bloodstream after ≈2months followed by a slow decline
Progesterone and Oestrogen
- Secreted by corpus luteum for first 3 months
- Maintain endometrium, development of uterus, prevent menstruation
- Inhibit FSH production from anterior pituitary gland
- Prevents development of further mature ovarian follicles in ovary
- Hormone secretion is taken over by placenta
- Corpus luteum degenerates
Oxytocin causes Uterine Contraction (Birth)
- Oestrogen from placenta makes muscles of uterus sensitive to oxytocin
- End of pregnancy, level of oestrogen in blood rises, level of progesterone falls
- Oestrogen promotes uterine contraction, progesterone inhibits it
- Pressure of fetus against cervix stimulates stretch receptors
- Hypothalamus stimulates posterior pituitary glands to secrete oxytocin
- Oxytocin causes contraction of uterus
Lactation and Prolactin
- High levels of progesterone inhibits prolactin
- At birth, progesterone levels fall → prolactin levels increase
- Suckling promotes production and ejection of milk
- Nerve impulses travel to hypothalamus
- Stimulates posterior pituitary gland to secrete oxytocin
- Stimulates muscles in walls of milk ducts to contract, squeezing milk out
- Stimulates anterior pituitary gland to secrete prolactin
- Stimulates production of more milk
- Prevents secretion of FSH and LH
- Thus, ovulation does not happen → mother is less likely to conceive
- Milk is bacteria free/ contains antibodies, essential nutrients, Ca2+ for bone growth, NO fibre/iron → baby will need solid food after ≈3-4months
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